Each year, Coombabah State School analyses the available data to devise an Explicit Improvement Plan.
This plan then drives decision-making in areas of Teaching and Learning, Facilities, Resources and Professional Skill Development.
Key priorities for 2023
Our improvement agenda relates to student learning outcomes and is aligned with state-wide improvement priorities
Educational Achievement:
- Reading: Build teachers’ knowledge and understanding in the Effective Teaching of Reading for full implementation across the school.
- Writing: Use inquiry cycle to guide teacher’s reflection and target students’ learning
- Effectively distribute resources to improve student achievement
- Embed the ‘Assessment Waterfall’ aspects of descriptive feedback, big ideas and essential questions to inform teaching and learning.
- Engage students and teachers in learning walks and talks using the 5 Questions to inform instructional strategies and to empower & engage students in their learning.
- Implement Student-Lead conferences twice a year to develop student ownership of their learning