The tuckshop is a valued service provided by the P&C Association.
Hours of operation
It operates each school day from 8.30am - 1.15pm.
Our menu
Download our
tuckshop menu (PDF, 734 KB) for a full list of all available items. The tuckshop offers a healthy selection of foods for a very reasonable price.
Ordering online
Our school tuckshop also has a great online ordering system. It's easy for parents to use, and eliminates the need for cash. The service allows you to order in the morning, or a week in advance. To register or for more information just use the Flexischools Website.
Volunteers are always welcome in the tuckshop. It's a great way to meet other parents and guardians and to see first hand how things operate. You can enjoy a cuppa too! If you can spare an hour or two, a half day or even a full day please phone 5501 3808 and speak to our friendly Tuckshop Convenor, Jenni Munro.